- Strukturen (Leitende und Administrierende)
- Benutzerverwaltung
- Rollen reaktivieren/verlängern
- Bestätigte Drittmittel
- Publikationseinträge überprüfen
- Akademische Aktivitäten für andere Person hinzufügen
- Struktur-Objekt z.B. Forschungsgruppe erstellen / Rollen hinzufügen
- Auftritt von Organisationseinheiten im öffentlichen Forschungsportal
FAQs und Kontakt
Hier informieren wir Sie über Updates, Downtimes (Ausfallzeiten) oder wichtige Systemänderungen.
Patch Number V2.8.1
Date: 2025-03-19
Bug fixed:
- SP-4517 [Efforts] [Support] If the person is not from the medical faculty, no LAS from the timetable is given.
- SP-4521 [Publication] Download OA documents endpoint does not work
Patch Number V2.8.0
Date: 2025-03-14
Patch Number V2.7.16
Date: 2025-03-04
Improvements done:
- MEDME-9236 [Change request] [User management] The lastTeachingUpdate date is not updated according to last teaching activities and user gets a warning email
Patch Number V2.7.15
Date: 2025-02-18
Bug fixed:
- SP-3919 [Publications: ORCID] Error – Exception during import publications from ORCID API failed
- SP-4324 [Publications: CSL] Tertiary Author should not be mapped to CSL variable Translator when publication type Thesis or its subtypes
- SP-4351 [PRP] The system does not consider umlauts for personas
- SP-4416 [Publications: ORCID] Do not import publication which have Scopus Id only in ORCID
- SP-3504 PRP: Implement Google search
Patch Number V2.7.14
Date: 2025-02-07
Bug fixed:
- SP-4400 [IDM] Set allow login true for person who has active role
Patch Number V2.7.13
Date: 2025-01-30
- MEDME-9181 [Ticket&Mailing] Changes for closing tickets by type
Patch Number V2.7.12
Date: 2025-01-29
- SP-4341 [Publications: Elasticsearch] DOI value is not sent in Elasticsearch export for some publications
Patch Number V2.7.11
Date: 2025-01-23
- MEDME-8944 [3PF] Wrong number of 3PFs are exported when they are filtered by ROEF
- MEDME-8953 [Reports] Checkbox inscription is not properly displayed for some displays
- MEDME-9057 [User Management] Super Admin is not able to approve user editing request, 400 error appears
- MEDME-9109 Structures. Link to PRP section is disabled
- MEDME-9118 [IDM] If person has 2 roles in one OrgUnit and some error appears with a person during IDM internal export, there is no UNIverse-internal synchronisation at all
- MEDME-9120 [Structures] Persons filter by Role does not work
- MEDME-9142 [Doctoral studies] If user were once the lead of a thesis, he could go through ID’s and see the private data of other students
- SP-2297 [PP] Scroll works wrong in edit mode on Research Interests
- SP-3024 [Tickets & Mailing: 3PF] Project member can edit/delete 3PF
- SP-3996 [Publication] In edit/create publication wizard, dropdowns do not close when user scrolls page
- SP-4049 [Project & Collaborations] If user uploads a huge image, the default image is loaded before the correct one which leads to a confusing „blinking“
- SP-4085 [Structures] Internal/External Link section for ROEF is not disabled
- SP-4092 [Publications] Long performance. From time to time the system adds different keywords
- SP-4129 [PRP] Mobile version of pages for tablets is not displayed properly
- SP-4154 [PRP] People Search results are sorted alphabeticaly and not by higher weight
- SP-4172 Structures. Person Roles in the filter drop down list are duplicated
- SP-4174 [PRP] The header of Faculty is not reset when user is moving from Organizational Unit – Research Unit – Person Profile to main People page
- SP-4243 [Personal Profile] When user search academic activity from Project profile page, two slashes are sent in the url
- SP-4291 [Tickets & Mailing: 3PF] Project member can edit/delete 3PF when ticket is closed and page reloaded
- SP-4309 [Publications] Extra data is returned in the response
- SP-4310 [Publications] Error in console when ROEF changes publication status
- SP-4311 [Publications: SCOPUS] Scopus update job fails if there is an error during update
- SP-4312 [Publications: SCOPUS] Cases when Scopus update job fails
- SP-4315 [Reports] Personal and research group reports are not generated, 500 error appears
- SP-4316 [Publications: Elasticsearch] 500 error on publications Elasticsearch export job
- SP-4331 [Publications: ORCID] Publications are imported twice if user clicks to download from ORCID when previous import is not finished yet
- MEDME-9121 [Ticket&Mailing] Add New module type: ‚Newsletter‘ for ticketing
- SP-4339 [Ticket&Mailing] Update a close ticket response to display HTML instead of plain text
- MEDME-9115 [Ticket&Mailing] Enable ticket button visibility for regular users
- SP-4020 [Ticket&Mailing] Add New module type: ‚Newsletter‘ for ticketing
Patch Number V2.7.10
Date: 2025-01-10
- [Publications] Error when editing PUBMED publications
- SP-4096 [after release action] [Publications] Remove backslasches in Autornames
- MEDME-8968 [User Activities] Request For Update – E-Mails: Replacing the three existing texts with one single text
- SP-4078 [PRP]: Update HTML tags for better indexation in Google search
Patch Number V2.7.9
Date: 2024-12-30
Bug fixed:
- SP-4249 [PRP] Some design issues on prp production
Patch Number V2.7.7
Date: 2024-12-19
Story completed:
- SP-4078 [PRP]: Update HTML tags for better indexation in Google search
Patch Number V2.7.6
Date: 2024-12-11
- MEDME-8807 [2FA] User can log in as ROEF without 2fa
Patch Number V2.7.5
Date: 2024-12-04
- MEDME-8606 [Structures] The data page takes an excessively long time to load
- MEDME-8811 [Other Profiles & Activities] Verify btn is still clickable for already verified academic activities
- MEDME-8905 [Student Import] Update matriculation number for failed student imports (2024-11-28)
- MEDME-8931 [Ticket & Mailing] User can not search recipients by email
- MEDME-8943 [User Management] Super Admin is not able to approve user editing request, 400 error appears
- MEDME-8950 [Effort] Super Admin can not run effort collection job from UI
- SP-3885 [Publications] 502 error Out of Memory when exporting publications
- SP-3985 [Publications] Wrong number of publications are exported when they are filtered by ROEF
- SP-3992 [Publications: SCOPUS] 400 error when closing Edit wizard before publication is created
- SP-4023 [PRP] User is not redirected properly from Profile&Affiliation page, when OrgUnit/Research Group has internal/external link
- SP-4027 [PRP] People Search does not work properly
- SP-4036 [Publications] New Publication wizard is not closed. Error in console
- SP-4075 [PRP] Some OrgUnits in the dropdown with more then 1 line are not shown correctly.
- SP-4091 [PRP] The red chevron in the side menu is not always aligned with the first line of the title, especially if the title or the name has more then one line
- MEDME-8945 Out of memory issue was triggered by user on search requests2
Patch Number V2.7.4
Date: 2024-11-25
- SP-4054 [PRP] – Add robots.txt
Patch Number V2.7.3
Date: 2024-11-20
- MEDME-8865 [Publications] npe during publications Elastic Search export job
Patch Number V2.7.2
Date: 2024-11-15
- MEDME-8850 [Mobile TT] Teacher ID should be changed by universe public ID
Stories done:
- MEDME-8851 [Mobile TT] Teacher ID should be changed by universe public ID
- MEDME-8854 [Mobile TT] Html Title should be Stundenplan
Patch Number V2.7.1
Date: 2024-11-14
- MEDME-8653 [Mobile TT] The design of Topic element is not correct
- MEDME-8777 [Structures] Person does not appears in lead list when role has just created
- SP-3998 [User management] No list of users after clicking ‘Show all users’ on User management
- SP-3999 [Publications] [CR] Hide thesis options on the 1st step of publication
Stories done:
- SP-3926 Reports: Update localisation in Personal Report
Patch Number V2.7.0
Date: 2024-11-12
Patch Number V2.6.5
Date: 2024-10-23
Bugs fixed:
- SP-3901 [Publications: ORCID] 403 Error when specific user imports publications via ORCID (download option)
Patch Number V2.6.4
Date: 2024-10-21
Tasks completed:
- SP-3774 [Projects] Move Projects and Publications
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-8705 [Students import] Nightly job is fall
Patch Number V2.6.3
Date: 2024-10-08
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-8667 [Publications] Correct university effort categories in old publications
Patch Number V2.6.2
Date: 2024-09-26
- SP-3778 [Structures] Transfer of projects and publications to a higher level in Digital Humanities Lab
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-8652 [Mobile TT] The name of section Treffpunkt is not correct
- SP-3299 [PRP+PP: Publications by Type] The number is started from the first on the page in each category on Publication by Type in some citation styles
- SP-3745 [Tickets & Mailing: Publications] BE: 401 error on languages endpoint
- SP-3752 [Publications] 500 error when searching publication by DOI in Manual Scopus
Patch Number V2.6.1
Date: 2024-09-23
- SP-3787 [User Activity] Error 500 after calling /job/user-activity/check-user-activity
- SP-3732 Allow the on-demand import of selected third-party funds
- MEDME-8608 Add top level cache for PRP
- MEDME-8637 TimeTable: Limit view of future and past lectures for Professor view
Stories done:
- MEDME-8619 [PRP] Map new endpoints for load images.
- MEDME-8643 [CR][Mobile TT] Section Meeting Point and Contact are missing
Patch Number V2.6.0
Date: 2024-09-19
Patch Number V2.5.2
Date: 2024-09-12
- SP-3564 Correct all publications from Scopus where publication type is mapped wrong
- SP-3649 [Publications] Unified Category Mapping for all imported publications
- MEDME-8616 [Publications: SCOPUS] Existing SCOPUS publications with not correct Category
Patch Number V2.5.1
Date: 2024-09-11
Bug fixed:
- SP-3735 [Publications: Duplicates] Publication gets imported from Scopus repeatedly for the same users
Patch Number V2.5.0
Date: 2024-09-04
Patch Number V2.4.4
Date: 2024-08-29
Bug fixed:
- SP-3696 [Publications] Publications page is freezed for specific user
Patch Number V2.4.3
Date: 2024-08-16
- SP-3678 [Publications] Set Scopus Citation Count metric for existing publications
Patch Number V2.4.2
Date: 2024-08-15
- SP-3675 [Personal Profile] An error appears on Personal Profile TPF page
Patch Number V2.4.1
Date: 2024-08-13
- SP-3611 [Publications: SCOPUS] ISSN comes as null from Scopus for publication with specific DOI
Patch Number V2.4.0
Date: 2024-08-08
Patch Number V2.3.3
Date: 2024-07-30
- SP-2604 Publications in status „incomplete“ should not be exported into ElasticSearch
Patch Number V2.3.2
Date: 2024-07-26
- SP-3565 [Publications] Duplicated publications from ORCID – SCOPUS were imported
Patch Number V2.3.1
Date: 2024-07-19
- SP-3492 [Publications] 403 error when user creates publication for another Author or Stakeholder
- SP-3520 [ORCID] Users got tonight the message that they need to update the trusted advisor settings
Patch Number V2.3.0
Patch Number V2.2.3
Date: 2024-07-08
- SP-3490 Enable the role pull-down on People search page
Patch Number V2.2.2
Date: 2024-06-19
- SP-3410 [Students import] Scheduled job on students import has failed. Wrong file path or SFTP credentials.
- SP-3411 CSL issued.date-parts (SP-2717) need to be reverted
Patch Number V2.2.1
Date: 2024-06-18
- SP-3405 [ORCID] Limit the number or processed persons for a single ORCID job run for 600 persons per day
Release V2.2.0
Date: 2024-06-17
Patch Number V2.1.10
Date: 2024-06-10
- SP-3362 [IDM] We have role duplication with distribution
Patch Number V2.1.9
Date: 2024-06-05
- SP-3278 [IDM] Title attribute update
- SP-3352 Disable the red banner on the project detail pages
- SP-3357 Disable the role pull-down on People search page
Patch Number V2.1.8
Date: 2024-06-04
- SP-3337 Bulk mailing for ~7700 people failed by error
Patch Number V2.1.7
Date: 2024-05-31
- SP-3330 [PRP] The probelm is default string in de is Forschungseiheit instead of Forschungseinheiten and [Alle Projecten] to [Alle Projekte]
- SP-3326 PRP: Unhide menupoints & navigation
Patch Number V2.1.6
Date: 2024-05-29
- SP-3021 [Tickets & Mailing: Publications] 401 error when creating publication via „Create manually“ button
SP-3105 [PP] Projects&Collaborations. Users will may not see the tooltip when hovering above one of the values of type drop down as they are too fast to hover above the next value.
SP-3193 [PP] When inserting longer texts the mouse wheel does not work anymore to do vertical scrolling
SP-3302 [Efforts] Effort collection job has failed on prod
SP-3305 Change name of <div> on <h1> in the Projects & Collaborations
SP-3310 [Publication] The system is in pending status when creating a publication
- SP-3187 PP&PRP: Exclude Student projects from projects listing
Patch Number V2.1.5
Date: 2024-05-27
- SP-1856 [Publications] The latest saved data in publication is not displayed in UI if publication is opened at once after saving.
- SP-2513 [IDM] Organisation unit became duplicated
- SP-3005 EasyWeb Links are not transferred from edoc ElasticSearch instance to universe publication ElasticSearch instance
- SP-3027 [Tickets & Mailing] Module field is editable in Task when Recipient is added
- SP-3080 PP. When user clicks to link for OrgUnit from PRP it is redirected to orgunit firstly and only after that to overview page
- SP-3095 [PP] In publications by type menu Separate section is called eng: ‘? – Unknown‘, ger: ‚? – Unbekannt’ instead of eng: ‘Unknown‘, ger: ‚Unbekannt’
- SP-3108 [PP] Organizational Units. User can set SMU attachment just for meta role and data for such OrgUnit will be available on PRP
- SP-3110 [Publications] Additional categories are displayed that relate to the 3PF module in the third step (be part)
- SP-3123 [Publications] Additional categories are displayed that relate to the 3PF module in the third step (fe part)
- SP-3132 [Publication] Error 500 when ROEF edits notes on the 6th step
- SP-3151 [Publication] ‘Previous’ button is disabled (but clickable) on the 3,4,5,6 steps of verified publication
- SP-3176 [PRP: Projects & Collaborations] On the project page the low quality images from the teasers are loaded instead of the high resolution ones.
- SP-3177 [PRP: Personal profile] Not all academic activities are displayed in personal profile
- SP-3178 [PRP: Projects & Collaborations] On hover above „Show more“ the mouse cursor is a text cursor instead of the hand icon as on other interactive elements
- SP-3190 [Student import] Student import failed
- SP-3194 [PRP: People Search] 500 error appears when user click to Member of inter- or extra-faculty person role from Role drop down
- SP-3199 [PP: Publications by Type] Wrong sorting by categories
- SP-3200 [PRP: Publications by Type] The publication categories are duplicated on different pages on Publication by Type
- SP-3277 [IDM] IDM export is failed
- SP-3294 [PRP: Publications by Type] Publication list is not displayed in publication by type menu
- SP-2183 [BE] All academic activities of type collaboration should be attached to section „Collaborations & Cooperations“
- SP-2421 [Structures] Re-orgnize the structure for some faculties
- SP-3116 PRP: Linked SMU in Organizational unit filter, People tab
- SP-3137 [Structures] Changes in the Research Facilities on preprod
- SP-3165 [CR] PRP: doubled roles in same research group should not be shown in ‚Profiles&Affiliation‘
- SP-3189 PRP: If one profile is published, redirect direct to profile
- SP-3283 [Efforts][SPIKE] Allow Anzahl activity attribute to be zero
- SP-3292 PRP: Render the „Matrikelnummer“ out in Academic Activities
- SP-3264 PRP: If one profile is published, redirect direct to profile
- SP-3124 [Log In] Switch-ID error screen update
- SP-3273 Update DTS URL
Patch Number V2.1.4
Date: 2024-05-09
- SP-3182 [Elastic Search] Some org units are missing in elasticsearch divisions „universe_paths“ and „parent_names“
- MEDME-7955 Correct the super-admin default list
Patch Number V2.1.3
Date: 2024-05-03
- SP-2573 [Student import] Numbers in the Student Import log file are not correct.
- SP-2778 [Doctoral Studies] Investigate why the files for the student are not displayed
- SP-2847 [Publications] Extra formating is not cleared out when publication is imported from ORCID – CROSSREF
- SP-2974 [Publications: SCOPUS] 500 error on Scopus search for a user
- SP-2982 [Publications: Step 05 Documents] Files are not deleted when publication is deleted
- SP-3008 [Permission Sets] User cannot check sort by semester if ROEF has ‘Doctoral studies’ read/write permissions
- SP-3009 [Permissions sets] Error 403 appears after the user tries to review the thesis
- SP-3036 [Publications] 500 error on Save after editing Authors
- SP-3077 PRP. OrgUnit overview page is opened only if user clicks to inscription in OrgUnit List at the Landing page
- SP-3094 PRP. Project members amount is not properly displayed on project tiles
- SP-3100 [3PF: GrantsTool] Duplicated Funding Agencies on Prod and 3PFs with with worng Funding Agencies
- SP-3107 [Permission Sets] Error 403 appear with co-reviewers
- SP-3125 [Doctoral studies] Problem with doctoral student with a special character in the family name
- SP-3135 PP. Default main role is not saved when user calls get main role request first time
- SP-3143 PRP. Custom P&C tab is displayed on PRP if it is empty
- SP-3144 PRP. Project Background picture is not displayed properly on prp
- SP-3166 ElasticSearch Export: deleted projects are exported between PRP and EasyWeb
- MEDME-6862 [Support] Student Import file loading more than 45 minutes
- SP-3088 PP: ‚Select main role‘ dropdown in ‘Profile Visibility Settings’ tab
- SP-3089 PRP: Merge member profiles in the Research unit
- SP-3091 PRP: PRP: Merge user profiles in People
- SP-3118 PP: Research interests section is not mandatory for publishing profile
- MEDME-7907 Projects & Collaborations: Search research units by Public name
- SP-2920 PRP: Merge profiles of the one user
- SP-3087 PP: ‚Select main role‘ dropdown in ‘Profile Visibility Settings’ tab
- SP-3090 PRP: Merge user profiles in People & Research unit tab
- SP-3115 PRP: Remove abbreviation for effort categories in Publication by type
- SP-3160 PP: Research interests section is not mandatory for publishing profile
- SP-3161 PRP: Select random default image for projects
- MEDME-7908 Projects: Select random default image
- MEDME-7941 Projects & Collaborations: Change link color in the pop-up after publishing project
Patch Number V2.1.2
Date: 2024-04-30
- MEDME-7930 fix permissions for frentix on specific endpoints
Patch Number V2.1.1
Date: 2024-04-23
- SP-3102 [PP] Selected project, Individual P&C dropdowns return unpublished profiles
- SP-2163 deactivate user Administartor Kindgeek
Patch Number V2.1.0
Date: 2024-04-20
- Internal Pre-Release of UNIverse Public Portal
- » PDF with all Release Details
Patch Number V2.0.25
Date: 2024-04-09
Tech Enabler completed:
- SP-2997 [Publications] Exclude the export of person’s org units from export to easyweb/elasticsearch
Patch Number V2.0.24
Date: 2024-03-29
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2489 [Publications] SCOPUS – publications have wrong author position
- SP-2490 [Publications] SCOPUS – Given-name of author is null
- SP-2514 [Publications] Some publications cannot be found from UI
- SP-1957 Scopus reimport should update authors name and given name
- SP-2537 Publications: return information about Journal attached to the publication
- SP-2848 Scopus reimport should update authors name and given name (direct deploy to prod)
Patch Number V2.0.23
Date: 2024-03-20
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2029 [Publication] The unibas authors are duplicated on publication
- SP-2123 [Publications] All exports (EndNote, PDF, Excel, RIS, BibTex) are empty for some publications for „UB Personal“
- SP-2268 [CrossRef] publication marked as CrossRef-duplicate is not displayed in the system
- SP-2375 [Publications] Email notification is sent when Super Admin or Assigned role admin adds notes
- SP-2528 [Ticket&Mailing] Error 500 appears on the public/v2/book/filter/my/publication after opening the public link
- SP-2694 Error modal window is displayed for RIS import negative cases
- SP-2735 [IDM] The profile does not appear on the easyweb
- SP-2749 [Publications] 500 error on exporting publications to Elastic Search
- SP-1465 Publications: [BE] Saving publications with existing DOI in the db
- SP-2409 [Deactivation jobs] Update the email with data update request
- SP-2653 [IDM] Investigate the role duplication for imported persons
- SP-2655 Publications: Export research groups to Elastic
- SP-2695 [Tickets&Mailing] Refactoring
- SP-2743 Former publication type „Data-Set“ needs to be set deprecated
- SP-2704 Publications: Let regular user delete linked persons
Improvements done:
- SP-2701 Rename Funding Agencies created by Grants Tool import
- SP-2728 Inherit the 3PF effort category from existing funding agencies
Patch Number V2.0.22
Date: 2024-03-18
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-7848 Roll back changes for the fields teacher and room short name displaying in appointment view based on the old design
Patch Number V2.0.21
Date: 2024-03-06
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2628 [Publication] If there is one more semicolon at the end of in author list, it is calculated as one more author in Description 4 column of Excel report
- SP-2669 [PP] Projects and Collaborations. Search does not work for research groups
Story done:
- SP-2649 Publications in Tickets & Mailing
Tech Enabler done:
- SP-2634 Publications in Tickets & Mailing
Patch Number V2.0.20
Date: 2024-03-01
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2042 Map CSL container-title to UNIverse attributes.Journal
- SP-2110 [Scopus import] The name of the journal (tag: „%J) is omitted
- SP-2128 Reports. 500 error is not displayed for user when user try to generate reports
- SP-2236 [Publication] User can add himself as Unibas author to the publication
- SP-2311 [User Management] lastResearchUpdate: „30.06.2022“ despite on new publication
- SP-2315 [Doctoral studies] Error 403 appears after filtering by Reviewer, Co-Reviewer, Department
- SP-2326 [Tickets/Mailing] 500 error when Assigned Role admin edits or deletes Task in Tickets/Mailing
- SP-2359 [Third Party Funds] 500 error when exporting funds in Excel
- SP-2386 [Third Party Funds] PUT request is sent when user does not change effort category selection
- SP-2412 [Publications] Scopus Journal metrics are null
- SP-2477 [Permissions] If a user tries to edit the ATTRIBUTE_SET “Einzeltutor” the attached error is displayed 7 times at once.
- SP-2494 [Publication] User can not find Unibas Author from the author’s list
- SP-2515 [Ticket&Mailing] Error 403 appears after searching person
- SP-2527 [Tickets&Mailing] Scopus filter appears twice on public link
- SP-2529 [Tickets&Mailing] No publication is displayed after reload public link
- SP-2549 [Publications] Stakeholder is not saved in some publications
- SP-2562 [TPF] 100% of SMU is not saved when project member edits his TPF first time
- SP-2601 When SuperAdmin creates TPF with 2 project members in one SMU, Dropdown is not available to change project member and Next btn is blocked
- SP-2610 [T&M] The request is not sent. The system continues the filter endlessly
- SP-2622 [Publication] The user can go to step 5 and fill in the required fields
- SP-2640 500 error when Super Admin edits publications
- SP-2651 [Publications] All attributes of Step 04 are unlocked for author/stakeholder in Verified FDB, SCOPUS, Pubmed publications
- SP-2652 [Publications] Publication request is not sent when logging in as user
- SP-2658 [Tickets&Mailing] Errors appear on the console after opening public link
Tech Enabler done:
- SP-2423 [Structures] Deactivate all roles in the Faculty of Medicine (before 2012)
- SP-2496 [3PF] Import of the legacy grants
Story done:
- SP-2450 Publications: Don’t block editing Complete publications from FDB
Patch Number V2.0.19
Date: 2024-02-28
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2654 [IDM] Investigate the IDM job execution failure from 24/02/2024
Patch Number V2.0.18
Date: 2024-02-16
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2596 [PhD] Delete all data (including person) of the PhD doctoral student
Patch Number V2.0.17
Date: 2024-02-07
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2509 [Publications] Wrong Categories are applied to NOT Peer-Reviewed and Peer-Reviewed FDB publications
- SP-2517 [Publications] Wrong Category is applied to FDB publications with Conference Abstract publication type
Patch Number V2.0.16
Date: 2024-01-30
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2476 [Publication] Error 500 appears after linking unibas author
Patch Number V2.0.15
Date: 2024-01-26
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2155 [3PF] On 4 step of creating/editing flow principal investigator is sent instead of co-investigator
- SP-2181 [Push meDme publication into ElasticSearch index] Stakeholders‘ publications are not displayed in EasyWeb
- SP-2192 [Structure] Error ‘Structure with id does not exist’ after searching person
- SP-2231 Personal Profile. User is able to click on the Create button few time during creating academic activity
- SP-2244 [Publication] ‘Attribute 4th step‘ text is scrolling with page
- SP-2312 [SCOPUS import] Exisitng linked authors are disconnected when another author imports publication
- SP-2314 [Reports] When ROEF does not have access to Reports, Pesonal Report menu is not displayed.
- SP-2325 [Structure] 500 error is displayed when user tries to edit Role Valid from* date
- SP-2353 [SCOPUS import] Wrong author position is sent when publication is imported from Scopus
- SP-2354 [ElasticSearch] The publication association of old research groups imported from meDme does not appear correctly in elastic search
- SP-2366 [Publications] Stakeholders data is not passed in update request if user did not open Step 04
- SP-2368 [Structure] The system opens a list of persons on the structure.
- SP-2390 [Publication] showAllPublications: false when ‘Only from my Org. Unit’ off
- SP-2394 [Publication] The result from the ‘My Departments Publications’ tab changes after clicking on ‘My Departments Publications’ from the ʼResultʼ tab when the user filters by ‘Only from my Org. Unit’
- SP-2408 [Third Party Funds] PUT request is sent when user does not change amount distribution on Step 06
- SP-2463 [Personal Profile] Disable email notification after editing Project
Tech Enabler done:
- SP-2021 Continuous automatic Project generation for the new TPFs imported from GrantsTool
- SP-2144 [Attachments] Update N.1.X effort model attachments
- SP-2223 [BE] Continuously Import third-party funds from grants tool
Stories completed:
- SP-2067 Publications: Add ‚Sherpa Romeo‘ option to ‚Legal Basis for Publication‘ in 05 step
- SP-2137 Reports. Update the TPF distribution logic for Sonstige Forschungseinrichtung across all the University
- SP-2392 Publications: Show University level tree of Categories for ROEFs
Patch Number V2.0.14
Date: 2024-01-18
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-7728 [Doctoral studies] The doctoral student cannot submit his thesis
Patch Number V2.0.13
Date: 2024-01-08
Bugs fixed:
- SP-850 Persons are not deactivated when OU becomes inactive
- SP-1767 [3PF] Sonstige with 100% doesn’t save
- SP-1996 [FDB] The system overwrites FDB publications
- SP-2112 [Structure] The assigned role is not shown on the User Management or Self Update or Registration
- SP-2173 [Publication] No name of stakeholder on the publication
- SP-2174 [Push meDme publication into ElasticSearch index] discrepancy in the number of authors per universe and biozentrum.unibas.ch
- SP-2191 [Publications] 500 error when deleting publication which was added to my_top_publicatins list in Personal Profile
- SP-2207 Personal Profile. 403 error appears when user logged in as ROEF and try to watch other person profiles
- SP-2226 [ORCID] Publications imported by ORCID night job are not saved
- SP-2227 Personal Profile. 403 error appears when user logged in and try to add new academic activity
- SP-2229 [ORCID] Publications don’t imported with DOI from ORCID
- SP-2283 [Publication] If publication doesn’t have EDOC then don’t display
- SP-2316 [Publication] The system displays the wrong url for OA DOC and does not display ‚New URL‘
- MEDME-7562 When user types incorrect link in the field „Link to more information“ on projects the error is displayed.
- MEDME-7687 [Personal Profile] Publication is not found in my_top_publications list when user is a Stakeholder
- MEDME-7688 [PP] When the user tries to add new members the 500 error is displayed.
- SP-522 [BE] Step 04 (Attribute) – Step 04 – URL
- SP-1769 [BE] Publications: Add filter for publications source
- SP-1814 Retrieve HTML-links and eprintid from edoc ElasticSearch index using mcss_id and assign value to link_easyweb attribute in our publications index
- SP-1954 [BE] Publications: Switcher for ROEFs which publications display
- SP-2009 [BE] Publications: edoc PDF data processes
- SP-2032 [BE] ROEF can generate a personal report for the unit (faculty, department, group) members they have the right for
- SP-2159 [BE] Displaying SAP Number of 3PFs in the UI
- SP-2162 [Deactivation jobs] Disable the activity, publications and teaching jobs for non-medical persons
- MEDME-7648 [BE] Calculate LAS based on entered integer
- MEDME-7649 [BE] Allow to overwrite building address with room address
- MEDME-7651 while editing the discipline three element add a new role
- MEDME-7652 [BE] Allow user to deactivate rooms and buildings
- MEDME-7653 if columns „Thema“ is empty don’t add it to Word or PDF export
- MEDME-7706 [PhD] Clear up submitted student’s applications on prod
- SP-523 [FE] Step 04 (Attribute) – Step 04 – URL
- SP-1816 [FE] Publications: Add filter for publications source
- SP-2031 [FE] ROEF can generate a personal report for the unit (faculty, department, group) members they have the right for
- SP-2060 [FE] Publications: 05 step for documents imported from edoc
- SP-2066 Publications: Add publication ID to the message about duplicates
- SP-2075 Delete the infotext about grantstool & set TPF filter to expanded
- SP-2087 Publications: Open duplicated FDB publications during Scopus import
- SP-2089 Publication: Add URLs pop-up
- SP-2138 Publications: Additional accordion in 03 step Category
- SP-2213 [FE] Publications: Switcher for ROEFs which publications display
- MEDME-7517 [FE] Remove Zoom Meeting field from Group lessons and Students
- MEDME-7646 Delete the columns “Kontaktperson Info” and “Gebäude Kurznahme” in public timetable
- MEDME-7647 don’t show contact in hover of public timetable
- MEDME-7663 [FE] Allow to overwrite building address with room address
- MEDME-7664 [FE] Calculate LAS based on entered integer
- MEDME-7665 [FE] Allow user to deactivate rooms and buildings
Patch Number V2.0.12
Date: 2023-12-22
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2269 Publications export to ElasticSearch crashes when tries to export Publication with Publication Type „Beitrag in Festschrift“
Patch Number V2.0.11
Date: 2023-12-12
Bugs fixed:
- SP-2095 [Publication] No action after clicking ‚X‘ after changes on the 1st step of creating publication
- SP-2202 [PP] When user try to set up cover page to the project the 500 error is displayed.
- SP-2208 [Doctoral studies] A lot of reviewers are duplicated. Error 500 after deleting or changing the reviewer
- SP-2224 [ORCID] Publications with specific DOI doesn’t import
- SP-2119 Publications: Display emails in ‚Unibas Author‘ and ‚Additional Stakeholder‘ dropdowns
- SP-2161 Adjust format of crossref attribute mapping for „surname, given-name“
- SP-2131 Publications: Display emails in ‚Unibas Author‘ and ‚Additional Stakeholder‘ dropdowns
Patch Number V2.0.10
Date: 2023-12-12
Bugs fixed:
- SP-1673 [System Administration] Role becomes duplicated. Two same-request calls
- SP-2037 [Registration] The page is empty after clicking on any org unit
- SP-2039 [Self-update] The page opens from above without the selected role
- SP-2077 System Administration. Structure/reports page overlaps the site header when user uses NO full screen mode
- SP-2154 [Publication] The system does not save edited data in the publication
- SP-2164 [Publication] Error 400 appears „Publication stakeholder cannot be unibas author at the same time“
- SP-2186 [IDM] IDM files were not available
- SP-2189 [Doctoral studies] Empty page appears after clicking Edit Form
- MEDME-7577 When admin open a project the empty modal window with error is displayed.
Tech Enabler completed:
- SP-2085 [CR] Publications: Add connected research groups to email about new document uploads in 05 step
- SP-2118 Publication: Email UB staff about changes in ‚Notes‘ (06 step)
- SP-2160 Adjust format of scopus attribute mapping for „surname, given-name“
- MEDME-7622 ORCID: Add deduplication algorithm for user’s publications
- SP-2178 [Log in screen] Add HELP link
- MEDME-7627 Personal Profile: Rename ‚Generate Personal Report‘ button
- MEDME-7431 [Support][Doctoral] Validation of matriculation status when submitting the dissertation
Patch Number V2.0.9
Date: 2023-11-24
Bugs fixed:
- SP-1269 Efforts. The localized name is used at the list of categories and on the breadcrumb in case when use base category name checkbox is checked
- SP-1270 The data “Date of Birth” is not displayed for users who are in the status „Edited“
- SP-1276 The field should be renamed from birthDay to birthday in.
- SP-1708 [Publications] Highlight the last author instead of an ellipsis
- SP-1786 [Publications] Delete Stakeholder issues
- SP-1787 [Third Party Funds] Class field Tooltip is displayed too far from the field
- SP-1790 [Publications] Issues for ROEF (assigned role) user when there is only Stakeholder in publication
- SP-1853 [Top bar menu] The Arrow near name is not visible, ALPHA VERSION btn is moved
- SP-1970 [Reports] publication is not available on fpdev (DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0182703)
- SP-1994 [Check for possible duplicates of publications ] error 500 (v2/publication/find-duplicate)
- SP-2008 Prevent export of redundant organization unit entries into ElasticSearch
- SP-2026 [Check for possible duplicates of publications ] Failed to load response data
- SP-2038 [Self-update] The page is cropped after the user passes from the last step to another
- SP-2079 [Publications] Error when downloading file on Step 05
- SP-2082 [Publications] File name imported from Unpaywall is „pdf“
- SP-2092 [Structure] No menu button on the structure roots
- SP-2100 [Publication] Publication saved without ‘Disard changes’ popup
- SP-2114 Reports. 500 error appears when user try to generate Research group report for [FG] Schär Primo
- SP-2130 [IDM] IDM org units are not imported to Medizinische Fakultät
- SP-2136 [Publication] An object with empty data is sent
- SP-1772 [BE] Publications: Two or more author can be linked to the same position
- SP-1777 [BE] Publications: ‚Corresponding author‘ checkbox in attribute can be ticked at the same time with other checkboxes
- SP-2048 [BE] Publications: default value of checkboxes in publication is ’null‘
- MEDME-7377 [BE] Implement BE for ‚Collaborations & Cooperations Activities‘ field
- SP-1771 [FE] Publications: Epub Date attribute should be in a date format
- SP-1796 [FE] Publications: ‚Corresponding author‘ checkbox in attribute can be ticked at the same time with other checkboxes
- SP-1958 [FE] Publications: Localize message for RIS import
- SP-1969 [FE] Publications: The user can link more authors than are in Authors field
- SP-2099 [Reports] Display an error when user tries to generate more than 5 reports simultaneously
- MEDME-7357 [My Collaborations & Projects tab][CR] Collaborations & Cooperations menu point (R4)
- MEDME-7602 [FE] Personal Profile: Update gender icons on the Personal profile page
Patch Number V2.0.8
- Date: 2023-11-21
Bugs fixed
- SP-2084 [Publications] No loading screen on Step 06 when creating publication
- MEDME-7585 [Pesonal Profile] The header of academic activity is showing university category
Tech Enabler completed
- SP-1448 Reports. Update the TPF distribution logic for Sonstige Forschungseinrichtung across all the University
- MEDME-7505 [Support][IDM] Set enableLogin flag to TRUE if the person gets an active role again
Patch Number V2.0.7
Date: 2023-11-17
Bugs fixed
- SP-2006 Journal name not appearing in CSL-Data „container-title“
- SP-2007 Page (pagerange) and volume not appearing in CSL-Data
- SP-2023 Add eprintid and easyWeb links for entries with multiple mcss_ids
- SP-2033 Correction of attribute mapping for CSL type „document“
- SP-2047 [IDM] IDM export job fell
Patch Number V2.0.6
Date: 2023-11-17
Bugs fixed
- SP-1974 Clean up usage of old publication types
- SP-2016 [Scopus import] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‚find‘, ‚filter‘)
- SP-2034 [User Management] Error 403 appears after passing to the UM
- SP-2049 System Administration. The error is showing all the time during user uses UNIverse on Microsoft Edge
- SP-2051 [Structure] Error ‘StructureModule.StructureDoesNotExist’
- SP-2055 [Publication] Unibas Author trash icon
- SP-2064 [Publication] Error 500 appears after saving the publication
- SP-2069 [Login as] User with limited has access to the publication after login as
- SP-2080 [Doctoral studies] Menu button should be enabled when more than 1 doctoral student is selected
Tech Enabler completed: - SP-1255 Create queue for personal report
- SP-1610 [BE] Publications: OA in the filter
- SP-1770 [BE] Publications: Add search by Publication ID
- MEDME-7463 [Support][IDM] Change export logic of newly registered persons with future roles
Stories done:
SP-1836 [FE] Publications: OA in the filter
- SP-1947 [FE] Publications: ‚Year‘ and ‚Reporting Year‘ can be set as future data
- SP-2056 [CR][Authentification] Change redirection when user is logging with Switch EDU-ID
- SP-2081 [Top bar menu] Update the system status text and change tooltip to pop-up
Patch Number V2.0.5
Date: 2023-11-13
Bugs fixed:
- SP-1714 [Check for possible duplicates of publications ] Display a frame with duplicates in 04 steps in Edit mode
- SP-1798 Reports. Year in reports can not be filled manually till user delete previous data
- SP-1990 Structure administration. UI validation of Role Name field is not correct
- SP-1998 [Self-update] User can’t update role details on the self-update
- SP-2003 [Publication] Undefined displayed on the Author/in Position field
- SP-2004 [User Management] Checkbox data not saved after reloading the page on the User Category and Licenses
- SP-2011 [Publications] Remove ‚Delete‘ button for Verified publications for regular users
- SP-2013 azure is turned on flag fix
- SP-2014 [Students] Student import is down
- SP-2025 [Publication] Data remains the same after passing back to the 2nd step
- SP-2027 [List author’s research groups] No research group selection when logging in via User Credentials
- SP-2028 [Publication] The fields of the first author have moved
- SP-2047 [IDM] IDM export job fell
- SP-306 E-mails to people after Login As
- SP-606 [BE] Send emails to authors about changes in their publications
- SP-1252 [BE] Import third-party funds from grants tool
- SP-1404 [BE] Update the public link email to reflect the new tab added
- SP-1471 Prepare the Effort Categories structure for importing the Achievements
- SP-1472 Prepare the attachments for importing the Achievements
- SP-1473 Import the Achievements
- SP-1713 [BE] Update Effort collection job for Teaching efforts
- SP-1762 [BE] Publications: Connect FDB publications to Academic Activity Root
- SP-1862 [BE] Add all user’s metaroles to the ‚Unit Members‘ list in Research Units tab
- SP-1950 [BE] Publications: Email about new document uploads in 05 step
- SP-1977 [BE] Publications: Find out publications migrated from MedMe with two or more authors linked to the one position
- SP-2001 FE to create a placeholder (error screen)
- SP-2052 Add the F.X.X Effort Categories for all Faculties and set them to expired
- SP-610 [FE] Check for possible duplicates in Scopus publications
- SP-2040 [FE] Change message for users without active role
Patch Number V2.0.4
- Datum: 2023-11-10
Stories completed:
- SP-2015 [FE] Publications: Remove OA icons + button
- MEDME-7598 [FE] Remove + icon for persons images
- MEDME-7599 [FE] Personal Profile: Change text in ‚Academic activity‘ wizard
Patch Number V2.0.3
- Datum: 2023-11-06
Story done
- SP-2019 [FE] Collaborations&Projects: Remove image icon in project description
Bug fixed
- MEDME-7578 [Redesign] When person with roef and Effort Verification attachment view another profiles the 403 error is displayed.
Patch Number V2.0.2
Datum: 2023-11-01 (18:00 – 19:00 CET)
Bugs fixed:
- MEDME-7581 [Zoom] Issues in emails for lecturers
- SP-1239 When the user wants to see the details of the selected organizational unit,the system returns to the parent organization units.
- SP-1640 [Structure] When the user wants to map StructureRole the tooltip with the full name of the structure name is not displayed on the dropdown.
- SP-1711 [System Administration] The error appears on the console after opening University of Basel Structure Tree module
- SP-1978 [Structure] Names of assigned person roles aren’t displayed on the org unit line
- SP-1984 [ORCID] Error appears after clicking on any publication on the console
- SP-1986 [User Management] Pictures are not displayed on the unicard step.
- SP-1987 [ORCID] Publications are deleted from user 1
- SP-1993 [Publication] Category is not saved
- SP-1995 [Pubication] [ORCID] Name of unibas author became the same as from author fields, Next button is disabled
- SP-2005 [Doctoral studies] [Permissions] Error 403 on /api/doctoral-studies/referent/feedback/336
Tech Enabler completed:
- SP-1663 [Research Unit] Publications menu point of Public Research unit page
- SP-1980 [BE] Publications: Link users without author position as stakeholders
Story done:
- MEDME-7575 [FE] Change naming for Projects & Collaborations
Beta-Release erfolgreich
Datum: 2023-10-30
Ausfallzeit aufgrund von Beta-Release
Dauer: 2023-10-27 – 2023-10-30
Händisch eingetragene Daten aus der Testphase (Alphaversion) von UNIverse werden gelöscht. Es kommt zu einer Ausfallzeit bis Montag während die neue Version generiert wird.